Let's dive into the basics of the Universe and modern Industry!

Offering University Level Courses

Explore Advanced Physics and Mathematics with Tailored Instruction

As your dedicated instructor, I provide customized courses designed to delve into the foundational aspects of physics and mathematics. Engage in interactive learning experiences and receive personalized guidance aimed at achieving academic excellence.

📚 Featured Physics Courses:

General Physics for Sciences and Engineering Faculties: This course offers a comprehensive overview of key physics concepts. General Physics I covers Mechanics, Heat, and Sound, utilizing algebra, geometry, trigonometry, graphical analysis, and basic calculus. General Physics II delves into Electricity and Magnetism, Optics, Special Relativity, and Atomic and Nuclear Phenomena, providing a robust foundation for further study in scientific and engineering disciplines.

Introduction to Classical Mechanics: This course explores the fundamental principles that govern the motion of objects, energy conservation, and gravitational forces. Applications extend across various fields, including engineering and astrophysics, offering insights into the physical laws that shape our universe.

Electricity and Magnetism: Engage in an in-depth study of electromagnetic fields, forces, and waves. This course is essential for understanding the principles that underpin electrical engineering, telecommunications, and other related fields.

Quantum Mechanics Fundamentals: Dive into the quantum realm to explore the behavior of particles at the microscopic level. This course covers wave-particle duality, the Schrödinger equation, and the principles governing quantum systems, providing a critical foundation for advanced studies in physics and related disciplines.

Thermal Physics and Thermodynamics: Investigate the principles of heat, energy transfer, and thermodynamic processes. This course covers the laws of thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and the behavior of matter at various temperatures, essential for understanding a wide range of physical phenomena.

📚 Featured Math Courses:

Calculus: Master the fundamental concepts of calculus, including limits, derivatives, integrals, and their applications. This course is crucial for students in physics, engineering, economics, and other fields that require mathematical modeling and problem-solving skills.

Linear Algebra: Learn about vector spaces, linear transformations, matrices, and eigenvalues. This course provides essential tools for applications in engineering, computer science, physics, and beyond, fostering a deep understanding of linear systems and their properties.

Differential Equations: Study the methods for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. This course emphasizes the application of differential equations in modeling dynamic systems across physics, biology, engineering, and other sciences.

Probability & Statistics: Explore the principles of probability theory and statistical analysis. This course covers probability distributions, statistical inference, hypothesis testing, and data analysis techniques, with applications in economics, psychology, data science, and other fields.

Real Analysis: Delve into the rigorous study of real numbers, sequences, series, continuity, differentiation, and integration. This course strengthens the foundational understanding of calculus and its applications, critical for advanced studies in mathematics, computer science, and physics.

Since the academic year 2013-2014, I have taught Physics and Math using the Lebanese, the Canadian (OSSD),Cambridge International curriculum, and the American curriculum following the common core standards CCSS and Next Generation Science Standards NGSS in English, plus the Syrian curriculum in Arabic.

Medical Physics, Nuclear Physics … or any specific specialization or topic is possible upon discussion 

R&D Consultation

Unlock the Physics and Engineering Potential with My Specialized R&D Services!

Are you seeking to innovate in the realm of physics and engineering but lack the resources to do so? Look no further! As a one-person R&D service provider, I am your dedicated partner in transforming your visionary concepts into groundbreaking realities.

Why Choose My R&D Services?

  1. Technical Expertise: With a deep understanding of physics and engineering principles, I possess the technical expertise to tackle complex challenges and turn ideas into viable solutions.

  2. Customized Solutions: Your project is unique, and I treat it that way. My personalized approach ensures that I tailor every aspect of the R&D process to meet your specific requirements.

  3. Prototyping Excellence: Utilizing my network of resources, I can create functional prototypes to validate and refine your product’s design, saving time and ensuring precision.

  4. Efficient and Agile: As a solo R&D service provider, I can swiftly adapt to changes and streamline the development process, reducing costs and accelerating time-to-market.

  5. Quality Assurance: Rigorous testing and evaluation at each stage ensure that the final product meets the highest standards of quality and performance.

  6. Innovative Problem-Solving: Combining creativity and technical know-how, I offer innovative solutions to overcome engineering obstacles and unlock new possibilities.

  7. Confidentiality Guaranteed: Your intellectual property is safe with me. I maintain strict confidentiality and prioritize the security of your ideas and data.

Let’s Elevate Your Physics and Engineering Projects!

With my specialized R&D services, you can confidently explore uncharted territories in physics and engineering. From concept to execution, I’ll be your reliable partner in creating products that leave a lasting impact.

Contact me now to discuss your project’s specifics and harness the full potential of physics and engineering through my tailored R&D services. Together, let’s achieve remarkable feats of innovation!

Elevate Your Production Lines with My Specialized R&D Services!

As a one-person R&D expert, I offer tailored solutions to optimize your production processes. From prototyping to implementation, I’ll drive efficiency and innovation. Let’s take your production lines to the next level! Contact me to get started.

Empower Your Industry with My Tailored R&D Services!

As a one-person R&D expert, I specialize in providing innovative solutions for industrial challenges. From concept to implementation, I’ll optimize your processes for maximum efficiency and success. Let’s shape the future of industrial solutions together! Contact me to get started now.

Let's Innovate our world !

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